THC-JD is an exciting cannabinoid that has taken the Swedish market by storm. The cannabinoid offers an exciting cannabis high despite the fact that it is currently completely legal to buy and sell on Swedish soil. This has made THC-JD one of the most popular cannabinoids on the market. So what is the difference between THC-JD and THC? What differentiates these cannabinoids is the molecular structure. While THC has a 5-carbon side chain, THC-JD has its impressive 8-carbon side chain.
Users describe several positive effects from THC-JD such as an exciting feeling of euphoria as well as joy and relaxation. You may also feel relief both physically and mentally. You will be able to feel a cannabis high and get pleasantly high from this cannabinoid, which is why it has become so popular lately. The cannabis rush can be felt from 2-3 hours depending on tolerance and dose.
The cannabinoid offers relief both physically and psychologically. It can also offer a deepened relaxation that calms the body and induces feelings of relaxation, which makes the cannabinoid very popular among users seeking relief from pain and sadness. Users have also reported that THC-JD has helped with improved sleep quality for some who suffer from insomnia.
Right now, THC-JD, like our other cannabinoids such as THCP-O and HHCP-O, is completely legal to buy and possess on Swedish soil. It is important both for us and for our customers that we constantly stay up to date on whether the public health authority addresses these cannabinoids and of course we will never sell anything that is illegal. You can trust that should these cannabinoids be investigated and possibly become illegal, we will be quick to notify you and stop selling these products. Leafyland promotes responsibility and legality and you as a private person are responsible for what you choose to do with products you bought from us.